Thursday 2 August 2012

Mystery Tropes

The Detective
 The ISTJ personality type makes the best kind of detective because they have the ability to observe, reflect, take charge and very logical. They are also follow through kind of people and will therefore actually solve the crime…not give up if it bores them or things get a little bit too weird.

a)      Police Detective – this kind of detective will usually have a much easier time solving the crime because he/she has all the resources they need for finger printing, minions to do their footwork and rarely will the criminal come after them personally. This is their job so it’s not like they can walk away from the crime plus the big bad boss and the mayor are breathing down their necks for the crime to be solved.
b)      Private Investigator – the kind of detective has been in formal investigation for some time then found out that they were no meant to be institutionalized or maybe they were formally retrenched. On the other hand the PI could be a reformed criminal who can now think like one. Investigative work pays the bills now and they will do anything to bring the bacon home or quench their curiosity.
c)      Amateur – they are far removed from criminal investigation and have no formal training. Their only saving grace is their attachment to the victim/suspect and their burning need to solve the case. As you write is important to be particularly careful with facts with this type of detective as the temptation to skew evidence to suit the detectives abilities always remains.

The Victim
a)      Evil Victim - Oh that dude deserved everything he got. He was trafficking kids, had beef with all his neighbors, and beating old women. We were all so tired of him. Anyone of us could have just got tired of him and his stupidity and offed him. But still someone’s got to solve the crime.  I swear it’s the priest that did it.
b)      Everyone loved him – He was so good and kind and gave all his money to charity. How could they do this to him? Of course he has some secret that we don’t know about.
c)      Recluse – he is always hidden in his study till the butler finds him dead from poison in some drink he didn’t serve him.
d)      Was going to Die anyway – he had cancer, a tumor and he was going to die anyway but the stupid criminal had no idea. 

The Motive
a)      Deep dark secret – the victim knew someone’s (or many people’s) secret and was about to reveal it or so the murderer thought. It might turnout that there was a bit of blackmail involved.
b)      Money – the simplest motive all. You’ve got too much, I want all of it.
c)      Cover-up for an accidental crime
d)      For the love of the game – some criminals just want to see if someone can catch them
e)      Revenge – you piss me off I kill you – got it?
f)       Ambition – Nelly was just about to get the promotion that Vera always wanted scene. End scene – murder.
g)      Jealousy

The Solution
a)      The Bluff – pretend you’ve solved the murder or you’ve found some pertinent clue and the criminal will come a skipping to get rid of it – or you.
b)      DNA evidence where no one suspected it would be.
No Evidence equals Evidence- the criminal was just too careful.

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