Thursday 2 August 2012

Quick Editing Checklist



1.      Does the story have recognizable structure i.e. point of action, complications, climax, falling action and resolution
2.      Is the first chapter really interesting and start with an action
3.      Does each scene have a goal, conflict, action and disaster.
4.      Do the sequels start with a reaction and end in a decision for the dilemma which will in turn lead to some kind of action.
5.      Do the scenes move fast enough with less description, back story and shorter sentences.
6.      Are the sequels just long enough and not too long. If you’re tempted to skim, they probably are.
7.      Do the subplots tie in seamlessly with the plot and do they follow the basic plot structure.
8.      For each scene is the POV and VP character clear.
9.      Is the theme coming through naturally and not contrived.



1.      Are your characters unique or can you find them somewhere if you can think hard enough. Give them unique histories, unique personalities and personalized quirks.
2.      Are all main characters well developed and are they acting true to their intended nature
3.      Is the main character sympathetic to the reader and is he someone you and the reader can understand and relate to
4.      Does the main character have a compelling enough goal that failure to meet would lead to some kind of tragic loss
5.      Does the main character change into a better, worse or a more mature person by the end of the story
6.      Pay close attention to what the characters are seeing and feeling.
7.      Make sure of the appearance and disappearance of characters. Make it logical.
8.      Make sure that characters still look and act the same way.



1.      Is it spread in sprinklings all through the story or is it overloaded in one place.
2.      Is the description done by showing the characters experience of it rather than just telling us what everything looks like.



1.      If it doesn’t drive the plot forward, provide information about the characters or show the relationship between characters – kill it. Don’t write in complete grammatical sentences.
2.      Is it believable
3.      Get rid of most of the chitchat and social niceties
4.      Instead of using dialogue tags instead just start the action immediately.
5.      Start a new line even if one character doesn’t talk
6.      Freeze the conversation with a few sentences of prose
7.      Ellipses show the characters trailing off and dashes to show the characters being cut off by another
8.      For each conversation you provide, each character must have his/her voice. Don’t use difficult words for a farm boy.



1.      Replace abstract nouns like she was happy with an action like she smiled.
2.      Is it vivid and vibrant
3.      It must be balanced with dialogue and  narration
4.      Do all scenes use all the five senses.
5.      In any particular paragraph not more than three senses should be used otherwise you’re just overdoing it.


Writing Style

1.      Delete adjectives
2.      Replace adverbs with stronger verbs like spoke quietly with whispered
3.      Delete weak qualifiers like really, very, rather, little, somewhat, extremely, quite.
4.      For overused words check for synonyms. You can use the find feature to check for overused words and phrases.
5.      Replace Negatives i.e. Mary didn’t like Tom instead use a positive like Mary hated Tom, Overused words with synonyms and Abstract words like happy, angry with actions that display the emotion
6.      Replace passive voices like she was eaten to active voice like the shark ate her.
7.      Delete clichés
8.      Check if you have the same reactions for different characters when experiencing the same emotion. Both Lila and Cameron should not run their hands through their hair when they’re angry.



1.      Check punctuation
2.      Check spellings, autocheck is not enough.
3.      Cut down over clunky sentences by reducing their length.
4.      Make sure the tense is the same throughout your novel.
5.      Vary sentence, paragraph, scene and chapter lengths



1.      You don’t have to come up with a title immediately but its always good to have a standby
2.      Has it been used before
3.      Is it appropriate to the genre; imagine a horror novel titled ‘How to be happy’. The audience you’re targeting will wonder if you went a bit nutty like your characters.
4.      Does it attract attention



1.      Does it meet the publisher’s demands on font, spacing, margins. If not then move on to two
2.      Font size 12 and justified text.
3.      Font color black
4.      1 inch margins, and double spacing between paragraphs (no extra spaces between).
5.      First line of each paragraph indented by ½ an inch.

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